Sunday, May 2, 2010

Issue 15: Guaranteed Dimora- and Russo-free!

The good people campaigning for Issue 15 have lots of reasons they'd like you to vote to renew Cuyahoga County's health and human services levy on Tuesday. But there's one really important thing they don't address in their ads or website. Luckily for hungry seniors, Life Flights, and abused kids, it's right at the end of the ballot language:

15 Health and Human or Social Services
Proposed Tax Levy (Renewal)
A renewal of a tax for the benefit of Cuyahoga County for the purpose of SUPPLEMENTING GENERAL FUND APPROPRIATIONS FOR HEALTH AND HUMAN OR SOCIAL SERVICES at a rate not exceeding 2.9 mills for each one dollar of valuation, which amounts to 29 cents for each one hundred dollars of valuation, for four years, commencing in 2010, first due in calendar year 2011.
2011 -- when the new county government will be in charge. That means Jimmy Dimora, Frank Russo, and the lame-duck government won't spend a cent of it.

Lots of people have been worried that voters will vent their anger at Dimora, Russo, and their cronies at the levy. Jim Rokakis mentioned that in his City Club speech last week. But it's the new leaders voters will choose in September and November who'll spend the levy cash.

So here's the ad I'd like to see: "Yes on 15! Guaranteed Dimora- and Russo-free!"

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